Information and communication technology usage and student administration in Universities in Uganda: A case Study of Kyambogo University
This study established the relationship between Information and Communication Technology
Usage and student administration in Academic Registrar’s department of Kyambogo
University. The study examined the dimensions of ICT usage as performance expectancy, effort
efficiency, simplicity concept and social influence while student administration was
conceptualized as admissions, examinations and certification processes.
This study involved a case study cross sectional survey research design. The sample involved
a total 113 respondents comprising of members from academic registrar’s Department and BED
students who were selected through purposive techniques and simple random sampling
techniques respectively. Qualitative data were collected using a set of self- structured
questionnaires and structured interview guides while quantitative data were analyzed using
SPSS specifically using descriptive and correlation coefficient statistics of the software.
The study established that performance expectancy, simplicity concept, social influence and
effort efficiency of ICT usage were necessary in Student Administration process in Academic
Registrar’s department at Kyambogo University the study concluded that it was necessary for
management of KyU to improve service delivery through use of ICT in students’ administration
in Academic Registrar’s department at the University. The study recommends that both staff
and students should be trained on how to use ICT since this was a relatively new innovation at
Kyambogo University, there was need to buy more ICT equipment, recruit more permanent
staff who would be trained on ICT usage, budget for ICT equipment and provide security
for the ICT system and put in place firewalls as security measure.