Accountability and service delivery in the donar funded projects in the ministry of agriculture, animal industry and fisheries.
The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between accountability
and service delivery in donor funded projects implemented by Ministry of
Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries. The researcher developed a
conceptual framework which guided the study. A cross–sectional survey design
was carried out among 380 respondents working in projects accounts and
internal auditors in the entire donor funded projects under Ministry of Agriculture
Animal Industry and Fisheries. A snapshot of events was taken as the situation
existed then. The development of a self-administered questionnaire to capture
the constructs of accountability (Managerial, Political, Financial and Public) and
service delivery was done. A sample of 103, that is 70% of respondents from a
sample size of 147 employees randomly selected, was realized and considered
satisfactory. The results reveal strong significant correlation between
accountability (Managerial, Political, Financial and Public Accountability), predict
45% of the variance in service delivery.
It can be concluded that Managerial Accountability, explains most of the variance
in service delivery in relation to the magnitude of the beta coefficients in the
regression statistical model.
It can be recommended that there is need to strengthen managerial
accountability with straightforward adherence to rules and regulations such as
Standing Orders, Government Accounting Instructions, Public Assets Act 2003,
Public Finance and Accountability Act 2003. This can be fostered by sensitizing
staff through regular retreats, workshops and seminars for old staff and induction
workshops for new staff.