Transformation leadership, innovative behavior and performance of small scale businesses in Kampala: A case of Restaurants in Nakawa Division
The study focused on transformational leadership, innovative behavior and performance of small
scale businesses in Kampala, with specific focus on restaurants in Nakawa Division. The specific
study objectives were to; establish the relationship between transformational leadership styles on
the performance of restaurants, examine the relationship between transformational leadership
style and the innovative behavior in restaurants and establish the relationship between innovative
behaviour and performance of restaurants in Nakawa Division. The study used a cross-sectional
survey design and adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches to collect and analyse
data. A sample of 144 respondents was identified for data collection, out of which 125
respondents were able to respond either by way of questionnaires and interviewed. The study
findings indicated that there is a positive significant relationship between transformational
leadership style and performance of small scale business which was observed at r = 0.614**. The
results also revealed that there was a positive relationship between transformational leadership
style and the innovative behavior and performance of small business and this realized at r =
0.268**. The study findings established significant positive relationship innovative behavior and
performance of small business and this was observed at correlation coefficient of r=0.421**.
Basing on the study findings, the researcher concluded that when small scale business treat their
staff with respect and provide advice to staff, it helps to improve business performance. It was
thus recommended that: managers should strive to become role models to their subordinates;
small scale business should focus on the publicity and advocacy of business internal innovation
culture and innovation concept and; business managers should pay more attention to emotional
information from subordinates and make a corresponding response in the process of innovation.