Nansereko, Faridah2020-12-032020-12-032019-02Nansereko, Faridah(2019)Causes and Consequences of Traffic Flow in Kampala Capital City study aim was to determine challenges facing the implementation of the existing framework which has resulted to traffic congestion in Kampala. In all the objectives of the study included; to establish the causes of traffic congestion in Kampala City and to examine the consequences of traffic congestion in Kampala. This paper presents the accelerating rates of unfavorable traffic flows in Kampala City despite the agency energies and government efforts to curb the congestion with both policy and infrastructural frameworks to level the road network with the increasing number of vehicles and people population within the surrounding of the authority. The researcher used explanatory mixed research methods with qualitative and quantitative approaches to mind data through documentary reviews, interviews and questionnaire survey. However, this still falls short due to mismatch between policy design and implementation by mainly enforcement teams, for traffic rules and regulations, lack of political will within the city, absence of a condensed physical and development plan as well as limited funds arising from low revenue and budgetary allocations. The write up further narrates the causes and consequences that accrue to the authority due to traffic flows such as rapid rural urban migration, poor road infrastructures, increased vehicle population, driver indiscipline, obstruction of major running lanes due to limited and poor park management, heavy trailers and poor city planning. That if these are not attended to urgently could spill over into increased injury and accidents, time wastage, decline in customer satisfaction and foreign direct investment frustrations, low productivity at work due to stress, social and economic stagnation, health hazards due to pollution and environmental issues as well as slow response to emergencies like fire outbreaks. This write up examined that the entire process of managing traffic flow demands coordinated effort between all city stakeholders to work interdependently, being aware of the existing laws, their implementation with high political will and massive sensitization. It calls for setting up strict laws and establishing a strong stand by traffic police that is more robust in enforcement and arrest of law abusers with high penalties following existence of a less biting implementation policy framework. Among others, the paper recommends driver training, improving coordination among traffic and road safety institutions while aligning the plans, resumption of passenger rail services, establishing BodaBoda free zones, regulating heavy vehicle CBD access, opening up to bus rapid transport systems, encouraging citizens to avoid rush hours, road design automated highways, integrated development to curb rural urban migration and legalizing congestion fees. All these directed in a struggle to harmonize traffic flows with in Kampala capital city authority that in the long run will boost the country’s sustainable development. KEYWORDS: Congestion, Modal, Road, Stakeholders, Traffic, Transport, Urban.enCausesConsequencesTraffic FlowCauses and Consequences of Traffic Flow in Kampala Capital CityThesis