Kabugo, Ivan2020-12-032020-12-032019-02Kabugo, Ivan(2019) Fiscal Decentralisation and Performance of Public Primary Schools in Uganda: A case of Selected schools in Nansana Municipalityhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12305/961The study sought to investigate the effect of fiscal decentralisation on performance of public primary schools in Uganda taking a case of selected schools in Nansana Municipality. The study was based on the following objectives: to determine the effect of functional assignment on performance of selected public primary schools in Nansana MC; to establish the effect of revenue assignment on performance of selected public primary schools in Nansana MC; and to examine how intergovernmental fiscal transfers affect performance of selected public primary schools in Nansana MC. A sample of 74 respondents was selected and it included head teachers, PTA or SMC representatives and opinion members. The researcher used both primary and secondary sources to collect data. Self-administered questionnaires were utilised, interviews conducted and documents reviewed for the necessary data. The collected data was analysed using Pearson correlation coefficient, regression analysis and Analysis of variance. The study findings revealed that: there is a positive significant relationship between functional assignment, revenue assignment and intergovernmental fiscal transfers on the performance of public primary schools in the study area. In conclusion therefore it is evident that fiscal decentralisation significantly affects performance of public primary schools in Uganda. The research gap identified is to investigate how fiscal decentralisation can be enhanced to enable improvement of performance of public primary schools in Uganda. It was recommended that there is need to build capacity at the council and school levels to identify and set relevant needs and priorities, build capacity and also streamline the setting and collection of schools dues and fees. This should be followed by regular remittance of adequate financial resources to public primary schools in Uganda.enFiscal DecentralisationPerformancePublic Primary SchoolsUgandaFiscal Decentralisation and Performance of Public Primary Schools in Uganda: A case of Selected schools in Nansana MunicipalityThesis