Karyeija Kagambirwe, Gerald2018-12-182018-12-182016-112078 - 7 049http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12305/375This article seeks to examine how the media contributes to corruption, the need to report on corruption with intent to create awareness as a preventive measure, and how the media can partner with anti-corruption agencies to accelerate the fight against corruption in Uganda. In order to achieve these objectives, the article used documentary analysis, literature review and interviews. The argument in the article is that the media has a big role to play in the fight against corruption, beginning with acknowledging that there is manifestation of corruption practices – cash for news, staged or fake news, gifts and advertisement, nepotism and media capture. Therefore the media has to overcome corruption within its own ranks. Other means through which the media can contribute towards the fight against corruption include both tangible and intangible ways. It also emphasizes that there is urgent need for the media to participate in corruption prevention, through the launching of investigation by authorities, the scrapping of laws or policies promoting opportunities for corruption, the impeachment or forced resignation of corrupt politicians, the firing of officials, the launching of judicial proceedings; and since the fight against corruption is a collective responsibility, then the media has to partner with anti-corruption agencies to accelerate the fight against corruption in Uganda. We cannot ignore the critical role of the media in the fight against corruption, and together the various actors can curb corruption in the country through a coalition of willing anti-corruption crusaders.enUgandaCorruptionMediaCollective responsibilityAccelerating the fight against corruption in Uganda: Strengthening the coalition between Anti-Corruption agencies and the mediaArticle